conorduffynews Interesting perspective. Caving in? Risky! I like your take on this. As a propaganda vehicle, have you been accurate in any perspective who’ve tossed up at President Trump....
conorduffynews Not to mention in violation of his mandate that the people elected him for. The part his protesters dont care about apparently
conorduffynews Good job Trump
conorduffynews Give him more rope and soap and he will be fine
conorduffynews the great negotiator backed himself into a corner due to tactics used to energize rally crowds. He doesn't want to look weak to his base by being presidential but because of that, just looks weak to everyone else. BorderWall
conorduffynews Risky to Trump because he has already hired the building contractors? Meanwhile its risky to be a parliamentary worker
conorduffynews ...because his credibility is a religious ideology guarded by his irrational believers.
conorduffynews Good on him
conorduffynews An American blood German enjoying power in post colonial immigrant America & the American Dream which he could never had had in his Native Germany!
conorduffynews The facts according to a hipster from the left wing lynch mob, or to put it in more familiar terms, anti-realDonaldTrump fake 🐂💩drivel.
conorduffynews Because holding to an election promise (does not matter what you think of it) is what now? Not delivering on election promises is what now? hypocrites
conorduffynews He has a hair helmet.
conorduffynews The good thing about Trump is, he isn't reneging on his promises, he is trying to follow them through. The bad thing about Trump is, he isn't a politician.
conorduffynews Because caving would mean the Mafia he promised those private contracts to will be hunting him