Isn't the school your Daniel is attending I mean It would be more easily tackled if he is the member of the school don't you think? MmusiMaimane
I wonder y this guy thinks its unacceptable when he lives to protect white privileges.. He should have jus kept quet instead because what he stands for is as clear as a goat's behind
No one is born a racist it is a taught behavioral problems which must be dealt with otherwise we are going nowhere as the human race
Too late to condemn it now,condemning it is totally different from fighthing it the question is:how is he fighting it because that's what matters the most what is he doing. Owh i forgot he had to first consult before condemning it but to fight it he has to fight for first as well
Cannot believe our educators are still trying to separate cultures. Our kids have to learn respect, responsibility and discipline together so that we end this raging racialism era that's dogging South Africa. Good luck to all you grade R,s and Grade 1 .
Unacceptable yes what's next?
Looks like whites let MmusiMaimane of the leash again. Can't wait for the white senior in Our_DA to punish him again like they did for his WhitePrivilege stunt
Thats your white bosses who still doesnt recognise blacks as humans
Get the facts first MmusiMaimane there are plenty fake staged propaganda scenarios doing rounds social media 2019Election any devious person could setup that foto
If were your kids we wouldn't see this Maimane but because is the kids of DA voting cattles we're not surprised.white would show u flames Black person
just unacceptable you won't take any action Mr dumelang bagaetso
Organize a march
Why jump into conclusions without the facts. Leaders must be prudent and responsible on what they say in public.🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔