A petrol station attendant fills up a car ahead of a petrol price increase effective from midnight, at a filling station in Johannesburg, South Africa, May 31, 2022.A petrol station attendant fills up a car ahead of a petrol price increase effective from midnight, at a filling station in Johannesburg, South Africa, May 31, 2022.
Consumers will have to dig deep into their pockets when the petrol price goes up from midnight. Both grades of petrol for both 93 and 95 willThe increase in petrol price will deal a heavy blow to motorists who are already battling with the high costs of living. The price of illuminating paraffin will increase by between 13 and 17 cents per litre.Load shedding as well as the fact that South Africa has been grey-listed has had a negative impact on the exchange rate.
“There is a number of a factor affecting the oil prices the much talk of Russia cutting exports by 25%,” says Mhango. A slate levy of 21 rand 92 cents will be implemented into the price structure of petrol and diesel with effect from the 1st of March, and this is expected to further add even more pressure to transport costs.
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Yet another excuse for retailers and transport to increase prices yet no price reduction when petrol prices decrease