The show Macro Markets, hosted by Marcel Pechman, which airs every Friday at 12 pm ET on the Cointelegraph Markets & Research YouTube channel, explains complex concepts in layman’s terms and focuses on the cause and effect of traditional financial events on the day-to-day crypto activity.
Viewers will learn why trusting charts and indicators can be misleading, as anyone can pick timeframes and scales that favor their biases and opinions. Pechman shows this in real-time by literally adjusting the scales and time frames to match his school of thought. Pechman goes on to explain how the most common volatility metric is backward-looking and even more complex instruments, such as the VIX indicator, should be interpreted.
Dyx index
18 months late on this haha where have you been this whole time… Papa Powell has full control of the markets!!!
Not important to Crypto, soon we will pump and leave the Fed on dust
What if they left us
...explaining the correlation between Bitcoin and the stock market — especially when investors fear a recession is coming or the cost of capital favors fixed income — followed by a deep dive into volatility indicators, including the stock market volatility index (VIX)...