, Brontë charted a pre-tax profit of £1.8M in the 12 months leading up to March 2022; comparatively, the company brought in £6.9M over the same period the year before.Established in 2012 by the author and her literary agent Neil Blair, Brontë Film and TV was formed with the
central purpose of adapting the author’s written work for stage, screen, and beyond. So far, the financial endeavor has been the opposite of fruitful: Brontë’s earnings report cited “lower income streams and profit shares from theatrical productions which were closed for a large part of the [financial] period due to Covid restrictions” as a culprit behind the losses.
Oh, NOW, three years later it’s because of Covid? 😂😂😂😂
Not the fact that she's decided to be a raging hateful bigot who consorts with n*zis?
Are we sure it’s not her rather vocal hatred of one specific group of people within society?
Three years later?
Yes, I'm certain there's no other explanation.
Huh. So is Covid the new word for trans phobia?
COVID 19 is a huge misspelling of TERF
Nah, it's the other thing
And bc she’s a massive bigot?