the perfect place to glimpse the future of management. And there may be no better lens through which to examine it than the’s highly driven bosses-to-be choose to spend their precious time speaks volumes about what they think will matter to their careers. And, given the clout they will eventually wield, those revealed preferences are going to define how the world’s most successful companies will be run.
The first leg of the triad is a module called “Paths to Power”. Students like to quip that it is designed for the budding Machiavellian. The opening line of the course syllabus laments that “insufficient sensitivity to, and skill in, coping with power dynamics” have cost many talented people promotions and even their jobs. The objective of the course, writes Jeffrey Pfeffer, the instructor, is to make sure “you never have to leave a position involuntarily”.
I will teach you how we can conquer the Universe!
That academics haven't a clue?
The HottestFake too, true?
Being better sucks
Touchy feely was the hottest course at StanfordGSB when I was a student 30+ years ago
Hasn't it always been so?
Anything from Stanford is “Do not hire”! They can thank Stanford Law for that!
Fascinating to learn about this. Sounds like people are paying to learn about what goes on at recess in an average high school. 🤦
I can't take any course from them, I sware
Protect your mind from 'wokeness.' Some big-name schools are already poisoned by it.