Despite that contract being in place, cell service is spotty at best in the subway system with Canada’s major telecoms refusing to sign onto the service citing high prices and a poor network. Up until now, only Freedom Mobile has offered full cellular service on the TTC, a fact that Freedom doesn’t really promote.
BAI was supposed to build out a full mobile network across the TTC subway system, something that never fully came to fruition. Even the free wi-fi on offer, called TCONNECT, is slow and clumsy at helping passengers connect but has generated revenue from the ads subway riders need to see in order to connect.Article content
brianlilley Who else? Roger is monopoly nobody can compete with🥶
brianlilley Suuure! Buy up everyone so only you will remain, that way guarantees no competition! Unbelievable!
rexglacer brianlilley As if the TTC wasn’t crazy enough, let’s crank up the 5G! 🤪
brianlilley Is this their regular signage?
AdrienneBatra brianlilley This is hilarious shit: 'Despite that contract being in place, cell service is spotty at best in the subway system.' Wrong. It is good. This is pro-Rogers propaganda.
brianlilley Ah yes, more services through a stronger oligarchy. Perfect. I'm so proud to gut competition and antitrust laws
joe_warmington brianlilley
brianlilley Not surprising. Rogers is woke