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The idea is that the provincial government, which is responsible for funding education, determines the size of the pie and then delivers it to locally elected school boards, which are in the best position to determine how to best slice the pie for their local context, ideally with no strings attached.We deliver the local news you need in these turbulent times on weekdays at 3 p.m.By clicking on the sign up button you consent to receive the above newsletter from Postmedia Network Inc.
Unfortunately, budget day has become predictably disappointing for school boards and the rhetoric around record-breaking funding for education every year is misleading and tired. We should all be concerned about the size of the pie because ultimately the lack of investment in education is shortchanging our young people.
The replies here definitely showing that we should be investing more in education and that it’s probably a good thing we don’t use lead paint anymore
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Education as an investment. For what A+BxC=? Like why teach crap that nobody will ever need to now after being in school. Should teach about investing.taxes, mortgages like things we could of used in the real world but nope. Keep teaching useless crap and bitch for doing nothing
Been going on like forever girlfriend! Don’t like it, leave,
Here's another opinion...if people want better education than what's currently available then they better be prepared to pay for it...they should put their money where their mouths are, but they'd rather just put whining and complaining there, and continue to do nothing about it.
welcome to the REAL WORLD