He added that immigrant communities have been essential to continued competitiveness in America. He said that over half of the so-called "unicorns" -- a privately held startup valued over $1 billion -- that came out of Silicon Valley over the last 20 years were founded by immigrants.
CEO Austin Allison launched the business in October 2020 right in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic. The company has faced some backlash for its fractional homeownership model. A community in Napa Valley banned Pacaso from operating since they said it's similar to a timeshare, which they do not allow. Pacaso is suing in federal court.anytime a company tries something new"I think some pushback is a great sign that a company is on to something big and meaningful," he said.
"We're concerned that Washington, D.C., and in particular President Biden's regulatory agencies are destined to kill the geese that are laying the golden eggs of entrepreneurship in this country," said Tom Sullivan, vice president for small business policy at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.