Former and current food service industry workers shared the dark secrets about their jobs that people typically don't know, and welp, I now have trust issues. Here are the wild results:"Worst thing I participated in as kitchen staff in a rather top-flight restaurant was on a slow summer Sunday afternoon. The boss sent us down to the walk-in meat coolers to spray paint the rusted walls.
"The reasoning was always 'better have too much than not enough,' which I guess makes a little sense, but when I am throwing away dozens of pounds of tenderloins, center-cut fish, and shellfish per night, it's too much."I worked in the bakery section of a very popular grocery chain when I was younger. The bakery was connected to the deli, and every night, we threw away ridiculous amounts of perfectly good food.
"Don’t get me wrong. Both of these were delicious, but at $8 a slice and 20 dollars a meal, I would rather just buy a big box or even start a collective of sorts.""My restaurant says we’re a 'from scratch' kitchen and recycle corks/crayons/menus. We don’t recycle, and our mashed potatoes are boiled in the plastic bag we get them in.""I worked in a chain restaurant and transferred from a great one to one barely keeping the doors open for health reasons.