"All those who prepared the rebellion will suffer inevitable punishment," Putin said."The armed forces and other government agencies have received the necessary orders."The Wagner group is a group of entities that operate as a private military company, or PMC. These PMCs can be hired by governments for security or combat services. during the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan
"In NATO countries, in Western countries, the main logic behind using private contractors when it comes to security and defense policy has been the flexibility of resources," said Dr. András Rácz, a Russian expert at the German Council on Foreign Relations."However, on the Russian side, the logic has been different. Russia, from the beginning, perceived these companies as a way of exerting state power in a covert way.
"He knows that his key differentiator from the Kremlin propaganda is that level of criticism, level of honesty, you know, that things are not really going as well, and criticism sells," Stepanenko said."And I think that that's the platform that he's really trying to advance on and solidify himself as a prominent figure in Russia.