The P1.5 trillion is Philippine healthcare industry is open to a lot of opportunities for mergers and acquisitions as it is presently highly fragmented with multiple brand leaders across various sectors.
In the Philippines, FCCM acted as one of the two financial advisers of Professional Services Inc. , the company that owns The Medical City , as it recently sealed the deal with Luxembourg-based CVC Capital Partners. “Thus, consolidations and alliances are seen to emerge to allow the industry to become more efficient, respond faster to emerging trends in the healthcare industry as well as to the impact of the Universal Health Care which was signed into law in 2019,” Del Val said.
“UHC implementation will increase competition between private and public sector by providing options. As the government increases investments, private hospitals that do not invest, may not be able to keep up,” Del Val said. “There will be opportunities for the private sector to be seen as the trusted partners of local government units who will primarily be implementing the UHC as they may not always have the expertise nor the trained staff to succeed. Collaboration between private and public sector is key to move the UHC agenda forward,” Del Val said.