No drug company is innocent.
Hmm... I am not sure what the qualification for a scapegoat may be, but if there is a venal corporation that is overly deserving for being reproach, it would be this fetid and revolting slime of an organization. Death would be to kind of an act for these malefactions. Billy Jay
You all belong in jail. Profit and lies
Holding on to wealth at others’ expense.. the greatest criminal act on earth
Quit pushing your death poisons down everyone’s throat, and maybe you wouldn’t be so unfairly attacked. Ffs, smoke a bowl and let the healing begin.
Big Pharma, FDA. & Obama were behind pushing the roll out of all these so called non addictive product 10yrs. back, all about profit.
Well you’re the largest producer of opioids in the United States so why the fuck not?
These evil ppl should go to jail for a very long time for murdering thousands
Otra droga que hace adictos a las personas y prescriptas y caras solo las farmaseuticas gana, por que ni te curan te ayudan pero teda un efecto secundario que puede ser peor que la misma enfermedad.
Sue the shit out that CARTEL