Middle-market companies are critical to the overall growth of any economy. Unfortunately, they tend to get overlooked. Startups are able to leverage tax exemptions and subsidy schemes owing to their future potential, while large enterprises enjoy profits, economic significance, and strong cash reserves.Mid-market companies miss out on all of this. This segment also faces unique challenges, one of which is scaling.
For employees in larger firms , communication was easier within the team, with other teams, and even with managers, but remained difficult with senior leadership. This is likely due to organisational hierarchies being more pronounced. Large organisations often use enterprise communication and collaboration tools, which ease communication challenges.
The ease, however, decreases for employees in firms with 201-1,000 employees. Both these issues most likely arise due to data silos that become a greater challenge as companies scale, and as cross-functional collaboration becomes a necessity. This leaves mid-market firms to grapple with a lack of a unified view of work tasks and the employees struggle to gain access to data they need to get work done, creating significant productivity challenges. A unified collaboration platform addresses both these challenges.When asked about factors causing competitive disadvantages, the top response for most employees was “None.” Mid-market employees presented an exception.