Every year, hundreds of co-ops and organisations across the UK collaborate to celebrate and promote co-ops during Co-op Fortnight, which runs from Monday, June 24, to Sunday, July 7.
These members are not just investors - they are the community, the workers, and the fans who care deeply about the co-op's success. Co-ops are better for workers because they are more likely to create jobs than other types of UK businesses. Those co-operatives whose members are the workers themselves can be more productive because they align the interests of the workers with the success of the business. They have flatter management structures, more motivated workers and a stronger culture of solidarity and self-responsibility.
Co-ops keep money in the community. With no shareholders to satisfy, co-operative profit either goes back into the business; is given back to members; or members collectively decide to use it in other ways, such as supporting local communities or other co-operatives.