He said it was about building trust.
"When we first received our government permit to feed crocodiles, it took us weeks to lure them close enough to the boat."They spent about five weeks sussing us out and eventually came closer to grab at the bits of meat. "A little while later they get to know and trust you. Now I give a few of them a scratch on the back of the head with a stick.""A few years ago old Brutus had a vine wound around his guts and down his throat."He's my business partner so I can't let him die with this vine down his throat.
"While he was up against the boat I shoved a small hook down to grab it out and pulled about two metres of vine out of his jaws. "My tour was pretty grossed out to say the least, but I had to look after him and help him out. I couldn't do this gig without Brutus."
ABCscience That photo of the Croc against the boat is a concocted fake! ‘ABC Science’ you should know better than that!
A regular food source is incentive enough for any croc to behave and remain loyal. They have survived for eons, so, I also expect they have a decisive way to measure their displeasure. 😉🐊🐓