A shocked photographer has shared photos of dead dogs, bats, snakes and monkeys for sale on a Indonesian market.
He described seeing shoppers inspect the animals they wished to purchase, even lifting them up to try and find the best meat available.The retired biologist continued: ‘I must admit I had mixed feelings being at the market – it is very hard to describe.The retired biologist saw shoppers inspecting the meat ‘Hundreds of locals were offering bush meat, dog meat, bats, chickens and fish for sale.
Up the road from here is a similar situation. A van turns up with dead pigs and cows and hours later the corpses are displayed in a front window and the people flock to buy the meat.
Meanwhile in the UK...
Stomach-churning as seeing a pig and chicken in the butchers.........
How is that worse than pigs and cows?
gruesome for us but to them it's just another food source
It's their culture. Respect it. Just like some people find Pork repulsive they won't come to the UK asking for a ban on sausages,bacon and ham. Likewise it's their right to eat what they want.