"Undercover Billionaire" is a new TV show airing on Discovery, premiering August 6, in which entrepreneur Glenn Stearns will try to create a million-dollar company in 90 days. The twist is that Stearns, who made his money primarily in the mortgage lending business, will have to build the new business without his previous contacts or capital. Whether Stearns succeeds or fails, the show will be a commentary on the American Dream and the archetype of the self-made mogul.
"Undercover Billionaire" is a new TV show airing on Discovery, premiering August 6, in which entrepreneur Glenn Stearns will try to create a million-dollar company in 90 days. The twist is that Stearns, who made his money primarily in the mortgage lending business, will have to build the new business without his previous contacts or capital. Whether Stearns succeeds or fails, the show will be a commentary on the American Dream and the archetype of the self-made mogul.
This ought to be good.
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