If timing is everything, then you are retiring at the right time. That is, at least from the standpoint of the financial market cycle. The S&P 500 Index is near an all-time high. It has just had one of its best 10-year runs in history. If you had any part of your retirement wealth in that stock index, you have done well.
Today, they also yield 17%...except that there is a decimal between the 1 and the 7! That is, 3-month T-bills yield about 1.7%. Times have changed, but the sustained decline in bond rates also translated to historically-high returns on bonds. This is because as bond rates fall, bond prices rise. That created a big add-on effect
Here is a quick list of what I see today that investors should account for. The overriding issue: investor confidence and complacency is still extremely high. There are a variety of factors that alone or together could spell the end of the party for a while. That is when you will want to be more resourceful than that old 60/40 portfolio, or the asset allocation whats-a-ma-jig you own allows you to be. That is when risk management will matter more.