JMPD spokesperson Xolani Fihla says the shooting is suspected to be related to taxi violence.“Klipspruit Valley Road in Orlando West Soweto is closed off to traffic between Khumalo and Martha Louw Street due to a shooting incident at Zephania Mothopeng Street. A man between the ages of 25 and 30 has been shot and fatally wounded.”
“The motive at the moment is unknown. But it’s suspected it’s related to taxi violence. Officers are present to control traffic which is being diverted onto Khumalo, Sofa Sonke and Martha Louw Street. Motorists are urged to be patient and avoid Klipspruit Valley Road,” adds Fihla.Klipsruit Valley Rd closed btw Kumalo Rd & Martha Louw Str due to a crime scene at Zaphania Mothopeng Str. Traffic is diverted through Orlando East Mooki Str & Orlando West.
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