Image:Mpumalanga police investigating allegations of sexual assault against finance minister Enoch Godongwana have handed the docket to the National Prosecuting Authority .“The docket contains certain statements. We are awaiting a decision from the NPA on how the matter should proceed and what other additional information is required if any at all.”
Mohlala declined to elaborate on whose statements were in the docket or on when a decision from the NPA was expected. Godongwana has denied the allegations he sexually assaulted a masseuse while on holiday with his wife at the Kruger National Park’s Skukuza camp.
They'll assess forever and you media will assist the rapist by giving us new headlines so we forget about this guy. That's how black people are micromanaged in South Africa.
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Godongwana must step down amid sexual harassment allegations: Thuthukile Zuma - SABC News - Breaking news, special reports, world, business, sport coverage of all South African current events. Africa's news leader.The daughter of former president Jacob Zuma and the ANC Youth League National Fund Raiser, Thuthukile Zuma says Finance Enoch Godongwana must step down amid sexual harassment allegations against him. Thuthukile must sharup coz she was quite during her father Khwezi rape. Your focus is more on whose daughter the lady is neh 🤣🤣Text you copy will automatically show here
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