Men filmed hitting and using a cleaver on a python at Boon Lay Place Market on April 18, 2023, according to animal group Acres."The National Parks Board investigated a case involving a man killing a python at Boon Lay Place in April 2023, and imposed a composition fine of S$1,000 against the man for killing the snake," NParks group director for wildlife management Ryan Lee said in response to a CNA query on Thursday .
In the footage, the men are seen hitting the reticulated python outside the market with crates and pails. They are also seen kicking the reptile and grabbing it by its tail to drag it along. The men can be heard laughing throughout the video, which Acres said was a screen recording sent by a concerned member of the public.
"They should observe from a safe distance, stay calm and back away, giving it space to retreat. Do not approach or attempt to handle the snake," he said.Mr Lee added that snakes are generally shy creatures that will usually slither away from humans.
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Man fined S$1,000 for killing python at Boon Lay marketSINGAPORE: A man who was seen killing a snake in a video in April has been fined by the National Parks Board (NParks). "The National Parks Board investigated a case involving a man killing a python
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