Ethics Policy

News Formal -

1. Accuracy and Impartiality:

We prepare our news from sources whose accuracy has been verified.

We represent different perspectives fairly from an impartial and objective point of view.

2. Transparency:

We identify our news sources as transparently as possible within ethical and legal limits.

We take our obligation to disclose potential conflicts of interest seriously.

3. Confidentiality:

We respect the confidentiality of sources and people involved in the news.

We refrain from publishing information that violates confidentiality or interferes with privacy.

4. Corrections:

We recognise our responsibility to promptly correct any inaccurate information we publish.

Corrections are communicated to our readers in an open and transparent manner.

5. Human Rights:

When preparing our news, we respect human rights and individual freedoms.

We always use sensitive language to avoid discrimination and promote tolerance.

6. Distinction between Advertising and Content:

There is a clear boundary between advertising and news content. Advertising content is independent of editorial decisions.

Sponsored content or partnerships are clearly labelled.

7. Public Participation:

We value our readers' feedback and take their concerns about our ethics policy seriously.

We are committed to open dialogue with our readers about ethical issues.

8. Continuing Education:

We organise ongoing training for our team on ethics and professionalism. This ensures that our standards are consistently at the highest level.