mum Paige didn't know what she was looking at when she opened up her seven-year-old son's school bag recently to find a neon green, plastic object inside."At first I thought it was a sour lolly, like Warheads, because of the bright colours," she told said her son, who had found it on his school's basketball courts and brought it home, also thought it was a lolly.
However, a burgeoning black market in vaping products is flourishing online, particularly on social media. In the eight months since the ban came into play on October 1, Border Force has intercepted and seized almost a quarter of a million vaping products. A recent report by the Australian National University, which reviewed the global evidence on vaping, found it was a gateway to traditional cigarettes.
Bro 7? How tf did he get that
there kids in darwin use these i didnt know know wat they were until now
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