The campaign spanned across a year as the hacker group exploited vulnerabilities in U.S. telecom networks and gained access to the metadata of a large number of American users. This metadata includes communication logs, pieces of text messages and even bits of audio from voice calls.
Officials say that the group — officially known as Salt Typhoon — specifically targeted government officials and politicians. President elect Donald Trump and vice president elect JD Vance were prime targets for the group. U.S. officials also say thatThe U.S. claims that this attack is a direct assault funded by the Chinese government. Chinese officials have dismissed the claim and condemned the cyber invasion.
U.S. officials revealed yesterday that there is a ninth company that was also breached by the attackers but refused to provide a name. That ninth company may very well beOfficials have previously said that the attackers kept changing their strategies whenever the media was told what U.S. security personnel knew. So it’s very likely that the ninth company’s name isn’t being provided so officials can keep the upper hand over the hackers.
This attack is one of the largest to have occurred in recent times and is an important reminder of how technology is never truly safe from malicious individuals.Follow us on social media to catch the latest trending stories, watch exclusive videos, and join the conversation with our vibrant community!
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