Supplied: Cotton AustraliaThe NSW Government introduced the historic embargo to protect the first flush of water coming through the Northern Basin after recent rain, but decided to lift it at the last minute.
"Everyone was frustrated and [irrigators] felt that they lacked a clear understanding of what the Government's intent was.""The challenge we had was the last-minute rule change asking people to operate their farms almost in the reverse of how they're designed."Australia's cotton industry is, according to Cotton Australia, the most water efficient in the world.
"We've been using sprinkler irrigation with a complete new farming system using cover crops for ground cover ... and zero till to increase soil carbon to produce bigger crops.
Not only is it a thirsty crop but i remember in a past life shipping tonnes of nasty chemicals their way both herbicides and pesticides. I assume still the case.
We should not be growing cotton or rice in this country.
A poor image well deserved .
Water falls consistently and in abundance each year across the top end. It is absurd and completely illogical that this country has not yet developed a means by which to channel it south through the interior to drought proof our agricultural regions. auspol2020
Baffling to grow such a water intensive crop on the driest inhabited continent. Water must be allowed to flow or say goodbye to countless species (more)
'Poor public image troubles cotton industry as concerns over water grow' - And so it should!
environmental vandals! [and don't get me started on those that grow rice!]
I told folks a thousand times, even when you don’t have symptoms, you can be positive and contagious.