Global TV executives are exchanging rosé on the Croisette for video conferencing as the event goes virtual for the first time."The question is if we even need a physical market anymore, crisis or no crisis."
But instead of pushing MIPTV back to later in the year, as has happened with advertising and creativity gathering the Cannes Lions, which shifted to October, MIPTV has gone virtual. From Monday through Thursday, organizer Reed Midem will host online presentations and on-demand screenings of this year's top titles.
"The industry is in such flux and a lot of the business happens online already. This can be a chance to see what TV markets could be," says Bo Stehmeier, president of Red Arrow Studios International, whose slate includes reality formats such as. "With MIPTV not happening, it gives all of us a moment to think about what we want to do in the future."
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