The biotech firm reported on Monday that the vaccine produced protective antibodies in all eight of its volunteers, potentially marking a breakthrough moment in the fight against the coronavirus pandemic."All companies searching for a vaccine like to say they are doing well: it's very much in their interest. This was a sample of less than 10 when phase two, starting in months, will be on many thousands," analysts at Rabobank said in a note.
"Even if that hurdle is passed with flying colors we will still not see a vaccine on the US market, let alone in emerging markets, until early 2021."Asian indexes climbed with China's Shanghai Composite up 0.8%, Hong Kong's
Chennylou ๐๐พ
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Stocks rebound as positive Moderna vaccine trial boosts optimism for economic recoveryStocks bounced back Monday on optimism the U.S. economy may start to recover from the coronavirus pandemic after drugmaker Moderna released promising early results for a vaccine. result ?didnt stop the virus ! but didnt kill any rats in the last test