The Vaal Special Economic Zone is looking to strategies surrounding hydrogen manufacturing and cannabis production to re-industrialise the Vaal region.
An SEZ is a geographically delimited area wherein governments"facilitate industrial activity through fiscal and regulatory incentives and infrastructure support", according to the department of trade, industry and competition. There are currently around 11 SEZs in SA. The region also holds a strong skills base, having two large universities in the area – the Vaal University of Technology and North-West University, he said. This places the Vaal in a good position to address national unemployment through the zone.
While this Hydrogen Valley will focus strongly on hydrogen, it will also focus on other sources of alternative energy and attract parts, components and services manufacturers in the alternative energy space, said Jansen. The zone sees a big opportunity for the region in the renewable energy space. Jansen said that the Vaal has opportunities in the manufacturing of hydrogen, electrolysers, solar batteries and solar panels.
_Business For green hydrogen we need a surplus of electricity - absolute nonsense to focus on this . We need to find meaningful employment for those unemployed firstly.
_Business Someone is high on something.
_Business They still don't want to revive ISCOR,refurbish the plant and let it generate employment, thus economic growth?
_Business So again blacks will only be the employees not the employers ,indeed Cyril's inclusive economic transformation will only benefit those who have always excluded us blacks from the economy