As I write this there is less than a week to go until Christmas Day and I'm surrounded by all of the hallmarks of the festive season. And whilst Santa Claus may well be gearing up for his very busiest time of year, there will be some franchise owners out there who are getting set to wind down their business operations for the next few months. How come? Because their franchise business is a seasonal one.
A seasonal franchise is one where the franchise owner will generate the large proportion, if not all, of their income during a particular time of year or season. That might be because their product or service directly relates to a specific season or holiday such as Christmas decorating services, or that their business offering is largely weather dependent - pool care or snow and ice removal services being two potential examples.
Investing in a franchise is a personal decision and any sensible would-be franchisee will spend much time researching the options available out there to identify the franchise opportunity that appears to be a good fit for them, and one which will meet their financial and other needs and requirements. Not all franchisees will need or require a full time income all year round from their business in which case a seasonal franchise could present a good balance.