So, after consulting counselors and a lawyer through this ordeal, we have decided that we must let him go.I feel horrible that it has come to this, as he is also going through a messy divorce. He is obviously quite taken aback and is distant from us, even though I think he realizes that this is ultimately his own doing.
My heart is torn and aching, but we had the other employees to consider and the viability of our company.DEAR DISTRESSED: I can imagine that your son might not welcome an in-depth discussion about this decision, because revisiting it is to revisit his own failure. But I think you do need to talk about it - or at least convey that you are willing and available to talk about it.
This particular episode might prove to be a wake-up call for him, but it could take time before he realizes it.I am able to sleep well during the day and function extremely well at work.