Zambia defaulted on its debt in 2020, and has since applied for restructuring of about $12.8 billion under the Group of 20’s new Common Framework. The program seeks to unify the position of commercial and sovereign creditors and smooth the path to relief for the most heavily indebted countries.
"Zambia is a key test case," Standard Chartered’s Khan said."If something can be done in Zambia’s case that does accelerate the process, that could encourage other countries to act early, well ahead of getting to the point of default."
_Business We reject American Imeprialism. They started the war against Russia, & they seek to assett their ownership over SA in fear of their collapsing American & empire. The US is responsible for all the calamity in the world today. Imperialists must be rejected.
_Business ….she better come with tons of money…..that’s how China came!!
_Business The 'big brains' jostling for pole positions to 'exploit Africa' all over again! But you are jittery because you know it is a new African you are dealing with; one who, as they are healing, are determined not to be wounded again. Prepare for a very rude awakening boys&girls
_Business Let the begging commence
_Business What if its too late to APOLOGISE.
_Business 9 a up
_Business She the one who got the inflation situation completely wrong, or lied about it? Is she coming to twist arms and issue threats and bribes? Send her back home.
_Business She must please bring a generator.