, a platform that connects therapists to ketamine prescribers. Journey calls itself a"decentralized clinic model" that helps licensed mental health practitioners offer ketamine to their patients by connecting them to their in-house prescribers and educational resources.
What saved my life in that moment was finding a great psychiatrist who put me on a lot of medication. I discovered the strength in working with somebody helpful.Eventually I moved to the US, and after a while I kind of went back on a downward spiral. I'm sure this is not a unique experience, but not knowing why you're behaving a certain way and why you're not able to overcome it is terrible.
Psychedelics are not a panacea. These medicines are a tool. They're not always for everybody. Being able to work with an experienced therapist using ketamine as an adjunct, psychedelics as an adjunct, is really what helped me accept that I was traumatized and work through that trauma. This was years of work.