Mastercard has done impressive work on this dimension. When the company expanded beyond credit and debit cards into new businesses including digital-payment ecosystems, cybersecurity, and data services, it needed to diversify its talent base as well. At the time of our research, Mastercard had a Glassdoor DEI score of 4.4 out of 5, and a Just Capital score of 114, compared to 56 for its peers.
“At any strategic juncture,” Chen says, “we have always chosen the path that was looking towards the future. Sometimes that leads you into places that are uncomfortable, that are uncharted territory. We have always leaned in. When you have done it that much and done it that often, it just becomes a part of who you are and how you approach things.”
A lot of investment has been made in recent years in quantifying both DEI metrics and change goals, but many companies remain in the early stages. So what can a company do to really accelerate performance by connecting DEI and change power?to get a clearer picture of where they stand on changeability, and then begin to develop actionable, specific steps to improve.