"The boutique was vandalized because…the view, the products are visible," John Achinte Rmor, owner of John Rmor Shoes on Sussex Drive, told CTV Morning Live Wednesday morning."One time he break the glass, the next time he breaks the wood we put from the previous night. The second night he did very heavy. Lucky for us, police catch him," Rmor said.
"It was a good, first conversation," Phil Emond, the owner of Gordon Harrison Canadian Landscape Gallery, told CTV News Ottawa. "People were vocal about the issues, but also did suggest solutions," Const. Sebastien Lemay said following the meeting. Rideau-Vanier Coun. Stephanie Plante, who represents the ByWard Market, says the future of the ByWard Market is in everyone's interest.
"I was thinking this is the perfect clientele for us and that location specifically, I always wanted that location," Rmor said.
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