BORROWING money to start a business is risky - but for Kimberlee Perry, 35, it has paid off as she turned £200 into a company with a £3million a year turnover.
Kimberlee, who is originally from Sydney, Australia but has lived in London for ten years and in Essex for three years, started the business by using her own savings.Initially Kimberlee wanted to teach trampolining classes to make enough money to leave full-time work as a sales manager for an event company.East News Press Agency
She said: “I never set out to launch a company. I had no business plan and I did not seek investment. I’d simply decided to make my ideal workplace my own reality. She said: “Those things didn’t really appeal to me. I wanted a hardcore workout but I believed many women were put-off by the war-like intensity just like me. I knew that rebounding was a rapid way to shed pounds as a cardio workout.
Franchising was ideal for Kimberlee because she had the idea but not the cash to back up her business. Kimberlee said: “In 2015 I decided to create the franchise model for Bounce and it was a really pivotal point in business for me.
things like this can easily come down as well as go up.