USA 2024, the longest-running and largest event focused on augmented reality and virtual reality, kicked off last Tuesday, June 18, 2024. More than 6,000 attendees, 300 exhibitors, and 575 speakers convened to celebrate the 15th anniversary of AWE and share the latest XR and spatial computing innovations.
It was a lively discussion between Said Bakadir, senior director of product Management at Qualcomm, Jason McGuigan, head of Commercial Virtual Reality at Lenovo, and Anna Nilsson, Head of Design and Research at Varjo.While our panelists discussed many ways XR headsets could impact our spatial future, they all agreed on three key points.
As for actual AR glasses with MR, they suggested that the technology is not yet here to create a form factor for glasses that can deliver a robust MR experience. The general consensus is that we are at least five years away from being able to create MR glasses that can deliver this kind of functionality in this smaller wearable format.
However, it can run any web application, including web versions of MS Word, Excel, Outlook, etc. Their booth also had long lines to test it out, and there was a lot of interest in an AR-based laptop.