Since the early days of Atari and Coleco, the gaming industry has evolved into an entertainment juggernaut. Driven by creative innovation, technological advancements and a global community of players and developers, the industry is. For many young adults, games have always been a core part of their lives, much more than just a hobby.
Coding boot camps, which are short but intense educational programs focusing on developing practical skills, are another option. These typically last for weeks or months and can be attended in person or online. Boot camps offer highly targeted certificates and hands-on experience that can pave the way for entry-level roles such as graphic designers, game engineers and story developers. They can be expensive but are a good stepping stone before committing to a full academic program.
The increasing collaboration between academia and game development companies in the form of internships and workshops is opening the pipeline between education and employment. This is still a challenge, since the lingering reliance on personal connections can make it hard for graduates to break in. As an industry, we still need to improve the onboarding process to help students make the transition.