Joshua Houston, property expert at Household Quotes, shared his top home tipsA property expert has revealed their top tips to help you make your home sell as quickly as possible.
Read on below for the property guru's advice on what to do prior to a viewing to increase your chances of a sale.Sharing his first tip, Mr Houston noted that the first thing buyers tend to notice the amount of sunlight that can get into the home 'It can also work to your advantage for that all-important first impression, walking into a bright airy property will urge people to want your home a lot more.
'This is because your clutter takes up space, making it harder for potential buyers to see the space available, and imagine their belongings there. 'To ensure your property smells as fresh as possible, in the days prior to viewings leave the windows open to allow odours to escape. He advised that any potential buyer who sees overgrown grass and bushes on listing sites or in person may persuade people that this is too much of a challenge for them to take on.
Mr Houston said: 'What I mean by this, is even though you don't want your house to be cluttered you also don't want it to be sparse.