Summertime is great for things like warm weather and memorable trips to the beach, but you know what else summer brings? Whether you rent or you're a homeowner, you know that this is the time where pests tend to show up left and right. Ants, bees, rodents and other pests may take this time to move right into your home. Pest control companies can help you fortify your house or yard against all sorts of insects and rodents.
With roots going back to its founding in 1928, Ehrlich Pest Control has more than 90 years of pest management experience under its belt. If it weren't for a few key things, Ehrlich would be higher on our list of the best pest control companies of 2024. As it stands, Ehrlich has a smaller national reach, with locations in 20 US states. Pricing plans are also not set in stone, and instead determined by -- yep, you guessed it -- multiple factors such as location and infestation level.