On October 17, 2018, the state-owned Québec Cannabis Society was launched to educate consumers about cannabis consumption and integrate them into the legal market by selling quality, lower-risk products that minimize its health impacts.
"In addition, we train our employees, and we're not sales driven or judgmental," she said."We try to build relationships based on trust to make sure that customers come back and consume our products instead of ones from the illegal market." Stores also offer pamphlets that cover the potential risks and benefits of using cannabis and tips on safer consumption. These resources are also available on theThe SQDC also needs to remain competitive in an evolving market."Looking at trends, we see that the way that people consume cannabis is changing, and we're trying to prepare and make sure we're ready to sell similar products within the legal framework," Roland said. An example is edibles.
Furthermore, edibles such as cannabis candy, desserts, and chocolate carry a higher risk for accidental ingestion, particularly for children, she noted. A