Under The Radar NewsLatest News On Under The Radar Aer Lingus has agreed to increase pilots’ pay as industry challenges mount23/07/2024 20:33:00 On Our Radar: New Irish Company Kovet For Its Quirky Illustrated iPhone Cases27/10/2023 04:11:00 Shrewsbury Road home on the market for only the second time in over 90 years for €6.5m31/08/2023 09:15:00 Kerry start-up aims for slice of lucrative pet supplements market30/03/2023 08:13:00 Barry Lunn: ‘Investors want to see big egos, they want to hear people talk about building a billion-dollar company’22/11/2022 23:15:00 Bite Size: Your guide to what’s hot in food and drink this month | Business Post06/05/2022 12:00:00