The March inflation report came in hotter than expected, but some investors say stocks will be able to absorb the shock — so long as the Federal Reserve doesn't suddenly turn more hawkish. Stocks moved dramatically lower after the latest consumer price index reading showed a reacceleration compared to February, raising fears that the central bank will keep interest rates higher for longer. The Dow Jones Industrial Average at one point tumbled more than 500 points, or 1.4%.
Wells Fargo's Chris Harvey says 'I don't feel bullish' — a day after hiking S&P year-end target to highest on Street
हमने इस समाचार को संक्षेप में प्रस्तुत किया है ताकि आप इसे तुरंत पढ़ सकें। यदि आप समाचार में रुचि रखते हैं, तो आप पूरा पाठ यहां पढ़ सकते हैं। और पढो: