Africa Oyé, the renowned festival celebrating African music and culture, has announced a hiatus for 2025. Despite a record-breaking attendance in 2024, the festival's organizers have decided to take a year off due to rising operational costs and industry-wide price increases. The charity behind the event believes this 'fallow year' will allow them to regroup, secure funding, and return stronger in 2026.
Africa Oyé has confirmed that the festival will be back in Sefton Park on June 21 and 22, 2026. To bridge the gap, the organizers have planned fundraising concerts across the Liverpool City Region throughout 2025, with the first announcements imminent. The decision follows concerning trends in the UK music industry, with reports from the Music Venue Trust and the Association of Independent Festivals indicating the closure of 125 grassroots music venues and the disappearance of 192 festivals since 2019. Artistic director Paul Duhaney emphasized that the decision was not made lightly, acknowledging the disappointment it may cause among the festival's loyal supporters. He assured everyone that the break is essential for the festival's long-term sustainability, allowing them to address infrastructure and compliance costs. Duhaney also highlighted the importance of securing major investments to ensure a safe and successful event in 2026. Both Arts Council England and Liverpool City Council have expressed their support for Africa Oyé's decision, recognizing the need for a strategic pause to safeguard the festival's future