It dates from late 2021, according to Yahoo News, which did not report any signs that Russia's strategy has changed since.Belarus is already seen as a Russian puppet state, and the country's president, Alexander Lukashenko, is considered one of Putin's closest ally.
Russia has also expanded its military presence in the country, both in the run up to and during its invasion of Ukraine, which started in February 2022.By 2025, the document says, there should also be a bigger Russian military presence in Belarus, an easier way for Belarusian citizens to get Russian passports, and a"sustainable pro-Russian groups of influence in Belarusian politics, military and business," according to Yahoo News.
Michael Carpenter, the US ambassador to the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe, told Yahoo News that"Russia's goals with regards to Belarus are the same as with Ukraine."
Putin wants to recreate the USSR...
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