DA Member of Parliament’s Communications Committee, Dianne Kohler-Barnard, has slammed both President Cyril Ramaphosa and former Communications and Digital Technologies Minister, Khumbudzo Ntshavheni over theThis follows a media report that Ntshavheni questioned Phathiswa Magopeni’s inclusion on the board, saying it went against corporate governance prescripts.
Magopeni’s inclusion is reportedly reflected in a letter that Communications Committee Chairperson, Boyce Maneli, had written to National Assembly Speaker Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula. Maneli’s letter also reportedly forms part of the documents submitted by Ramaphosa in his answering affidavit to the Constitutional Court challenge by Media Monitoring Africa to force the president to appoint the board without delay.“I have written to the president with zero response and today it emerges that the then minister attempted to insert herself between parliament and the president by questioning the portfolio decision on the list.
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