Dangor and his wife are receiving medical treatment in hospital.“The police in Sophiatown are investigating a house robbery and attempted murder following an incident of which a home owner and his wife sustained injuries and ended up in a hospital. The incident happened at a house in Newclaire in the early hours of Friday morning the 8th of March.”
The ANC says it condemns this senseless crime in the strongest possible terms. They have urged the police to leave no stone unturned in their search for the attackers.
این خبر را خلاصه کرده ایم تا بتوانید سریع آن را بخوانید. اگر به خبر علاقه مند هستید، می توانید متن کامل را اینجا بخوانید. ادامه مطلب:
Outraged at And run Gov