A spokesperson for the University said: "We wanted visitors to have fun but also to be inspired by the courses on offer on their doorstep".Family and Community Day at the Telford Campus of the University of Wolverhampton Priorslee Campus
The Telford campus is home to the School of Engineering, offering undergraduate and postgraduate courses in many subjects, including Motorsport, Automotive, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering. The School is very active in motorsport and competes at a professional level, racing a Praga RT1 and a Morgan plus 4. Students are encouraged to be part of the race teams and gain valuable hands-on experience alongside their course studies.
The Morgan racing car was on show as part of the Family and Community Day and tours of the Engineering facilities were on offer. The STEM Team offered two STEM Anatomy Workshops. There were also workshops in Build a Lego University from the Children’s University Team and Chinese origami and brush painting delivered by CultureKind Chinese Community. They also performed two beautiful traditional Chinese dances.
The Marches Centre of Excellence in Health and Social Care at the Telford Campus offers Adult and Mental Health Nursing at undergraduate level as well as Paramedic Science and a range of Social Care courses. These courses were represented with stands and interactive activities so that children and parents could take part. Paramedic Science offered a CPR activity.
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