Budding entrepreneurs from secondary schools across North Lanarkshire are being invited to enter an annual business competition to pitch their innovative ideas.
Each group is asked to devise an idea for a new product or service, with participating teams then attending an information session on September 19 where expert advisers will help them to write a business plan.Get all the news from your area – as well as features, entertainment, sport and the latest on Lanarkshire’s recovery from the coronavirus pandemic – straight to your fingertips, 24/7.
Last year’s winners were the Coltness High team of Millie McCormick, Isla Robertson and Madison Torrance for their make-up app Beauty Buddy, featuring tutorials and recommendations for products and clothes, based on skin and body type. Council enterprise manager Yvonne Weir said: “Dragons' Lair provides our S3 pupils with a superb insight into setting up a business as a potential future career path – they are supported by their teachers and Business Gateway advisers but the idea and content comes from the pupils.
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