Submitting your details indicates your consent for The Mag to send you email marketing messages and process personal data. Please read ourSubmitting your details indicates your consent for The Mag to send you email marketing messages and process personal data. Please read ourThe Saudi Arabia PIF and Reuben family taking full control of all shares at Newcastle United.
Amanda Staveley has also had a number of legal battles in the courts in recent years, mainly to do with non-related Newcastle United stuff. Amanda Staveley was ordered to pay an amount of around £3.5m, after she lost a High Court challenge in March of this year, with both sides indicating that this has now been paid.
The Financial Times report that the entity has no assets and has shown no signs of active trading for a number of years, with this liquidation coming after London’s High Court in March threw out Staveley’s attempt to block the statutory demand served on her by Victor Restis.
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